
What advice do you have for a student who is interested in hiring a provider like you?


The best tutors have education and/or experience well beyond the course you are seeking help in. Look for a provider who has a holistic and advanced understanding of the curriculum, so they can offer perspective and insight on the subject area.


What questions should a student ask in order to hire the right tutor?


What level of education and/or study have you completed?

Have you tutored this course or subject in the past?

How much does a lesson cost?

How much advanced notice is required in booking a lesson?


What information should students have thought through before seeking out your services?


Students can benefit from private tutoring when you have reached the point that you are unable to comprehend the material in your course on your own. Students usually only need a couple lessons to get themselves caught-up on their understanding of their coursework. Subsequent lessons are helpful for keeping pace with difficult material as well as for test/exam preparation.


What is your favorite part of tutoring?


For me the best part of tutoring is when students' attitudes regarding mathematics change from "I don't like math," or "I'm not good at math" to "this isn't that bad," or "I can't believe I'm doing this." It's very rewarding to me to help students understand mathematical concepts and to alleviate their frustration and confusion.


Ann Arbor Math Tutor

If you’ve ever found yourself saying, "I wish there was someone to help me with this math homework!" then I am the person to call in the greater Ann Arbor area. Whether you’re struggling with fractions, algebra, geometry, or calculus, I can work with you to help clarify the concepts and give you simple, reliable methods for working through challenging problems. You can consider me your own personal math lab!

Math Homework

Let’s face it, there are a lot of math tutors in Ann Arbor. When you’re looking for tutoring for yourself or for your child, you want to be sure you find a person who not only understands trigonometry and long division, but who can also explain things in a way that you or your child can understand. When you need help with mathematics, you want someone who helps you, not someone who confuses you.

Math Tutoring

I don’t want to say I have a special gift for math, but I’ve always been fascinated with it, and since I’ve been blind for most of my life, I’ve learned to carefully work through problems in mathematics in my head. That means I’ve had to try to organize and simplify the concepts as much as possible, which is great since I can explain what I’ve done. When we work together, I’ll do my best to explain my reasoning in a way that you can grasp, and I am one Ann Arbor math tutor who won’t give up until you get it.

Fractions, Algebra, Geometry, or Calculus

Listen, you can go to the learning centers or get help from another student, but if you want to develop a relationship with a math tutor who will give you one-hundred percent of his attention and who will really take an interest in your success, then give me a call. I’m willing to go almost anywhere in the Ann Arbor region, and I’ll take to the time to focus on your particular needs. Whether you’re struggling with division, fractions, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, or almost any other math problems, give me a call. You’ll see why, for a lot of great people in and around Ann Arbor, I am the go-to guy when they need a math tutor.